
  • Healing Naturally
  • Play and Development
  • Toolkit
One of the most common concerns raised in OT referrals is that a child "can't sit still" or "they fidget and fiddle constantly". Let's embark on a little journey as we try to understand why your child is moving, and how we can...
A lot of people when considering sensory processing needs recommend an array of strategies... everything from chewing gum to flashy coloured lights and screen time. In amongst that though when we experience sensory input that is akin to nature and back to basics we become more grounded. Join me as we have a little look at sensory processing from a different perspective.
I'm frequently asked in my job "Are you really this patient with your own children?" I like to imagine I have a parenting toolbox, and along the way I add tools and strategies that really work.
The path to radiant health is the same path to radiant beauty. We are our most beautiful selves when we are radiantly healthy, full of energy, with smiles and laughter bursting forth. The first steps begin with our daily rituals of caring for skin.
When we tasted Green Pastures fermented cod liver oil and butter oil blend we all said "Aaaahhh... that's what cod liver oil is meant to be like." It actually tasted like you would imagine cod liver oil to taste! And the benefits were noticeable.
School sores... the words alone make parents all over the world shudder! Yet we managed to heal each person with only natural remedies, and we are now able to prevent them from recurring.

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The Whole Child Pty Ltd 2024. Website by Sites at Scale